Some people can be quite blunt with their opinions on you, whether they’re positive or negative opinions. Unfortunately, some people are really bad at reading social cues and tend to say whatever pops into their heads, even if it isn’t the nicest thing to say or completely honest. If people are giving you some signs, it may be time to take action or re-evaluate your friendship with this person. Most people have been on the receiving end of someone else’s dislike or animosity. A parent, sibling, peer, boss, teacher, coworker – anyone can make you feel disliked for a variety of reasons – whether they mean to or not. But if someone dislikes you, does it really matter? Is being disliked really all that bad? What are the signs that people don’t like you? And what do you do about it? Recommended reading: Why does nobody like me romantically? (complete guide to deal with it) Whether or not people like you isn’t your choice. But, what you do about it—your actions—is entirely in your control. However, acting out against people who don’t like you may only make the situation worse, whether it’s at work or in your personal life. It may be tempting to fight back against someone who isn’t very fond of you, but there are much better ways to deal with this situation than outright confrontation. If you wonder why doesn’t anyone like me? The following signs may help on how to tell if someone doesn’t like you and identify people who aren’t so fond of you, and it could be time to move on from them in your life or clear out the misunderstandings. Also read: 21 Psychological tricks to get someone to like you

Why do people not like me?

If you wonder why do people not like me? The answer is simple. People don’t always like you, but that doesn’t mean they dislike you. In fact, there are two different types of dislike. If a person dislikes you, they actually hate everything about you and may even try to intentionally make your life difficult. If a person doesn’t like you, it may be because they don’t know anything about you or your reputation precedes your relationship with them. As an effective communicator, it’s important to understand when someone does not have a preference for being around you rather than assume that they hate you from the start. After all, we’re all busy and we can’t choose to hang out with everyone. Also read: How to get someone to like you back? (15 Tips) But if you get passed over more than once, consider exploring ways to improve relationships at work and outside of work so that you never find yourself wondering why do people not like me? It could be as easy as following up after conversations or making small connections before attempting new ones. And in general, people tend to prefer those who show a sincere interest in their lives and livelihoods. Take note: Sometimes people avoid talking to us based on certain characteristics such as race, gender identity, classism, ageism, and/or other oppressions. We should use these stereotypes as opportunities to ask our friends what they think. They might tell us directly or through their actions whether or not they don’t like us based on our differences —and we should listen. And we shouldn’t take things personally —it just means something else is going on there. Also read: How to get someone to like you over text? (10 Tips)

How to Tell If Someone Doesn’t Like You?

How to Tell If Someone Doesn’t Like You? The answer to this question is not always obvious. If you want to know how to tell if someone doesn’t like you, here are a few ways. What Are Their Behaviors Telling You?: Behavior tells us a lot about a person’s attitude and emotional state. Often times we can tell whether someone likes us or not simply by paying attention to their behavior toward us. Are they friendly and warm toward us, or do they avoid eye contact and completely ignore our presence? Do they respond quickly when we contact them via email or text, or do they take forever before responding, even with something as simple as a thank you? In short, are they treating us well or poorly? Your gut may already be able to answer that for you. Have an Honest Conversation: More often than not it’s hard for people to admit what they really think of another person because it makes them feel guilty. So don’t expect someone who has mixed feelings about your friendship to come out and say it without being asked directly. Instead, try asking questions—ask things like Are you having fun hanging out with me? or Is there anything you’re uncomfortable with regarding our relationship? This way they’ll either have to respond truthfully (and possibly help end your confusion) or refuse to answer, which gives both of you clarity on where each other stands. Also read: How to get someone to like you? (complete guide: 15 tips) Think About Why They Might Not Like You: It’s important to keep in mind that sometimes we all just rub others the wrong way and we need to remember not everyone will like us. So if someone does turn out to dislike you, let it go rather than dwelling on why they might dislike you. No one owes you an explanation, and no matter how much energy you spend trying to figure it out, sometimes we just never get one. Consider Having a Heart-to-Heart: Sometimes instead of walking around endlessly wondering why someone doesn’t like you, it’s best to face reality head-on and ask them outright. Whether over coffee or drinks (alcohol included), ask them point-blank if they feel indifferent toward your friendship or hate it altogether. If you still wonder whether people like you or don’t like you, here are some signs to confirm.

15 Signs people don’t like you

Here are 15 signs people don’t like you:

1. They are unresponsive:

People who don’t like you won’t text back or respond quickly. It might take them several hours, even days, to get back to you. That can be really frustrating for a person who likes you because they may have been waiting anxiously for a response from their crush all that time. In contrast, people that do like you will be responsive and get back to you right away, probably before you even expect it. In other words, if someone doesn’t get back to you at all within a reasonable amount of time—say two days—it might be safe to assume that they don’t really care about talking with or seeing you again.

2. They don’t try to get close:

People who don’t like others tend to avoid them by keeping a distance. So, if you’re trying to talk with them and they take a step back, it might be a sign that they don’t want to interact with you. Sometimes people aren’t even aware of doing something like that. So pay attention to how your crush acts around you and other people as well. Maybe they’re more comfortable hanging out with one person than another, or they just keep their distance from everyone in general. Either way, those are signs that someone doesn’t feel very comfortable around you or just isn’t interested in getting really close. It’s not bad; it’s just an indication of where things stand. Also read: How to act around someone who doesn’t like you? (15 Tips)

3. They are not open with you and don’t share any information:

People who like others tend to be more comfortable talking with them about things that might come up in everyday conversation, such as what they did over their weekend or how their day went at work. But, if your crush doesn’t want to talk about themselves or seems closed off in general, it may be because they aren’t really interested in getting closer. That’s okay. Everyone is different and just because someone isn’t willing to share personal details about themselves right away doesn’t mean that they won’t do so down the road. Give your crush a chance before jumping to conclusions. As time goes on, you can try opening up about things too; maybe they’ll be willing to share more when they feel like they can trust you more!

4. They don’t want to be around you:

If someone doesn’t like you, they’ll usually try to avoid being around you as much as possible. Maybe they won’t even say hello when they see you. People who like others will go out of their way to see them or talk with them because they enjoy spending time with that person and know that they make them feel good about themselves. So, if your crush suddenly starts avoiding you or coming up with excuses not to talk or hang out with you anymore, it might be a sign that they aren’t interested in getting closer—or at least not right now. Also read: How To Tell If Someone Doesn’t Like You? (15 Signs)

5. They don’t invite you out with their friends:

People who like others will usually want their friends to meet and know about them too, even if they’re shy! People who don’t like others tend not to do that. They may be nervous or uncomfortable around their friends because they aren’t confident or happy about how things are going with you two—they may be embarrassed. So, when someone is trying to hide your relationship from others, it might be a sign that they don’t like you and just aren’t ready for anyone else to know yet.

6. They don’t make any effort to be with you:

People who like others tend to make an effort when they want something, and when they like someone else, they’ll go out of their way—even if it means taking a big risk—to make sure that they get what they want. People who don’t like others will usually avoid doing things that involve risk and instead stay where it’s safe and comfortable for them. So, if your crush doesn’t seem interested in making plans with you or trying new things in order to spend time together (like meeting up in a place that’s not their comfort zone!), it might be because they don’t really see anything coming from getting closer with you.

7. They don’t touch you or laugh at your jokes:

Touching someone—like if they gently touch your arm while talking to you—is a sign of intimacy and trust, so people who like others will usually make sure to do it when they want to be closer with that person.  People who don’t like others usually won’t put themselves in that position because they are worried about sending mixed signals or hurting someone else. So, if your crush doesn’t seem interested in touching you or never makes an effort, it might be because they are uncomfortable with how things are going between you two.

8. They don’t compliment you:

People who like others usually try to build up their confidence and show that they care by complimenting them when they can. People who don’t like others probably won’t do that because it makes them uncomfortable, even if they do care about that person or think he or she is great. So, if your crush doesn’t seem to take an interest in talking about your interests or congratulating you on things you did well, it might be because they aren’t interested in getting closer. Also read: Why don’t people like me and how to get people to like you? (Definitive Guide)

9. They don’t make plans for future activities:

When someone likes someone else, they usually start making plans to get closer and spend more time together in a new way—like maybe by hanging out or spending time one-on-one, which can make it easier to get closer. But people who don’t like others probably won’t do that because they are trying to avoid getting too close! So, if someone doesn’t seem interested in making plans with you or planning to hang out again at some point after you’ve been on a date together, it might be because they just aren’t into you anyway.

10. They never ask about your personal life:

They seem distracted or disinterested in your life. People who like others will usually show that they care by being interested and asking about what’s going on in their lives. The same goes for people who don’t like others—they just won’t be able to fake it because it makes them uncomfortable. So, if someone seems bored with what you have to say or isn’t really showing any interest, it might be because they aren’t into you—or just aren’t ready to let anyone else into their lives yet.

11. They always cancel plans at the last minute every time:

If someone cancels on you at least once, it’s not a big deal—that happens sometimes! But if they do it more than that, or always seem to have an excuse for why they can’t hang out with you. It might be because they aren’t really into you! People who don’t like others usually try their best to avoid getting close—so if your crush seems flaky or makes a point of avoiding time together, it might be because he or she isn’t ready for what might come from spending time one-on-one.

12. They don’t ask you out:

It might seem a little bit forward, but it’s totally normal for someone who likes you to ask you out on a date. People who don’t like others usually aren’t interested in spending time together one-on-one or getting closer—which means they probably won’t be asking you out anytime soon. So, if your crush doesn’t seem keen on hanging out with you outside of class or social gatherings, it might be because he or she isn’t ready for more than what they already have.

13. They aren’t affectionate when you’re around:

When someone likes someone else, they usually start trying out ways to get closer by being affectionate with them. People who don’t like others probably won’t do that because it makes them uncomfortable or nervous, and might even try their best to avoid contact. So, if your crush is a little bit standoffish with you but seems more comfortable being affectionate with others, it might be because he or she isn’t ready for a closer relationship or just isn’t into you in that way.

14. They don’t ask or save your phone number:

People who like others usually take a step further and ask for their phone numbers in order to keep in touch and get closer over time. So if someone doesn’t seem interested or doesn’t make any move to get your number, it might be because they aren’t into you at all. If someone avoids taking action on getting in touch with you after hanging out one-on-one, it might be because he or she isn’t interested in getting closer! And that just might mean that they aren’t into you that way either.

15. They can’t be themselves around you:

When people like others, they usually feel comfortable enough around them to let their guard down and relax! So, if someone seems tense or nervous when he or she is with you,  It might be because he or she isn’t ready for more than what they already have. People who don’t like others won’t make an effort to get closer—which means they aren’t likely to open up and share more about themselves even if they really like someone. So, if your crush seems guarded or quiet around you, it might be because he or she just isn’t into you—and isn’t ready for something more than a casual friendship. We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for info.

Naveen’s expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with Naveen’s work, connect with him by following his social media accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.