Trust is built through intimate exchanges based on vulnerability and kindness. The problem is that many of us find it very challenging to be vulnerable. Our fears, insecurities, and issues around personal worth keep us from engaging in the kind of honest, authentic communication that would further trust and intimacy in our relationships. How can we build trust and love in relationships? You might think it’s a tough nut to crack — but even if you’ve been happily married for years, you can probably make your relationship better. Trust and love. It’s something that a lot of people say they want, but never put into action. You see, it’s easy to say, “I trust you.” It’s a whole other ordeal to be able to prove it. How can you show your partner that you trust them? It’s simple actually — just ask them a series of questions. Do you ever ask your partner the right questions to build trust in a relationship? Here I have researched and written relationship-building questions for couples that will create intimacy, understanding, love, trust, and closeness in your relationship. Read till the end and choose your best couple of questions to ask and strengthen your bond.

Questions for couples

How did your love begin? What is the moral of your love story? How often do you make your partner smile? What do you think are the most crucial questions couples both should ask each other, in order to develop healthy relationship habits? What are your family’s future plans? When is the last time you had memorable moments with your whole family? As a couple how do you feel about family gatherings? What makes you love your partner unconditionally? Do you think your relationship is perfect? Do s#x before marriage advisable? Have you both committed to a lifelong relationship? Is it good to plan for children right after marriage? How many children are ideal for a happy family? How much freedom do you give your children? How do you educate your kids about the importance of money and responsibility in life? How couples should adapt to the new environment soon after they give birth to newborns?

Fun questions for couples

What funny experience do you remember from the family gatherings? What was the funny thing you ever did to your partner? How do you respond when your partner kisses another person? Which part of your partner’s body you would love to touch more often? At what time of the day does your beloved look too ugly? Can you remember how many times you’re loved one so far? On a scale of 0 to 10 where do you rank your partner’s Brilliance or smartness or beauty? How will you kiss your partner’s lips without touching them? What do you both do when you are left alone in your room? When are you planning to visit Bali for having fun?

Deep questions for couples

List of deep questions for couples to strengthen their connection, and attachment and build an unbelievable bond. How long will you remember me, if I suddenly disappear? What do you feel when you look exactly into my eyes? How deep is your love and is there any way I can experience it? What makes you love me deeper and connect with me on an intimate level? Do we understand each other ‘s souls? Do we already become one soul but not two bodies? How could we so deeply fell in love with each other? Did our marriage make in heaven? Are we god’s favorite couple? How do you perceive me when seeking silence? How often do you need space to recharge yourself? Do we meet again and love each other in our next life if it’s there? How spiritually our relationship has grown since we become together? Are we ready to risk our lives and sacrifice everything to protect each other? Why am I so madly in love with you? How and why in heaven are we supposed to be this perfect for each other?

Romantic questions for couples

How do you make me calm when I am terribly angry at you? Can you kiss me all over my body right now? Am I making you turned on? How to make you mad and raise your romantic drive? Can we hug each other so tight and sleep in that position for the whole night? Where would you likely touch me when you are absolutely in a romantic mood? How to make you mine completely? Are we floating and flying in each other’s love? What makes you go crazy about me? Is it okay for you if we make it out in a public place?

Would you rather questions for couples

Would you rather have kids or adopt orphans? Would you rather love or do arranged marriage? Would you rather fight with your partner for simple things or understand to solve issues? Would you rather control your loved ones or let them free wildly? Would you rather prefer to kiss or hug? Would you rather go on a honeymoon for fun or choose to stay home and make out with your partner in the living room? Would you rather prefer one person for a lifelong relationship or spend time with multiple partners? Would you rather go for a movie together or a long ride with your partner? Would you rather have S#x or play family games during a party? Would you rather be able to live alone or no matter what choose to stay together?

Couple questions to ask (questions for couples to ask)

What do ideal couples look like? What characteristics define a couple who are perfect and made for each other? Why do only certain types of people attract each other but not others? What couple of questions ignite a fire in them to love more than ever? When should a couple take their relationship to the next stage of their life? Which country is perfectly opting for couples to spend their vacation? What type of things couple should hide from each other? What exactly are honesty and loyalty in a relationship? Do perfect partners exist and true love makes any sense? Why there should be transparency in a family when it comes to the matter of feelings and emotions?

couples game questions for parties

What kind of outfits would you like to wear for parties? So far, which couple party you attended was more fun and enjoyable to your fullest potential? If you had a chance to spend one night with any celebrity whom would you choose? What one personal question you would like to ask your favorite celebrity? How famous do you think you are?  So far in your life how many connections, networks, and relationships have you built from all over the world? If you had a chance to travel alone on a world tour which countries are your priority? At this party who do you have a crush on? Will you propose a stranger to a party and make out with them? How fast are you in making friends in any random social setting?

Not so newlywed game questions

It’s been how many years do you think you are in a relationship and together with your partner? How many times you had quarreled with your partner? Have you ever thought of divorcing your partner? Would you rather marry the same person in your next life or go for a new s#xy partner? What one thing do you wish your partner to change in herself or himself? Have you ever tried your best to change the behavior or attitude of your loved one? What made both of you stick to each other irrespective of facing all the odds in your lifelong relationship? What one piece of advice you would like to give for the younger generation or newlywed couples? Are you happy with your current partner and how do you prove that you are happy and peaceful in your relationship? Have you ever made out in public?

Get to know you questions for couples

What is your favorite dish of mine? and why do you like it and how would you rate it from 0 to 5? What is your love language? What triggers your anger and how should I avoid making you calm when you lose your temper? When was the last time you said “I love You” to me? Why do you love yourself? Who do you love the most in your life? If unfortunately, I die, would you marry another person? Who do you think you are? Do I know you completely and What efforts should I make to know your complete self?  What are the most important things you have hidden from me so that I don’t get hurt? Will you share it with me now?

Couple therapy questions

How do you feel about your partner as a person in general? How often do you give space to each other? Do couple therapy questions really help you to realize your weakness in a relationship? What approach do you make to resolve conflicts in your relationship? How much time, energy, and effort do you give to improve your relationship? Do you forgive your partner, if he or she cheats on you? What is the current status of your relationship? When did you start feeling emotionally connected to your partner? Do you see yourself with your partner together for the rest of your life? What advice do you give to your partner to make himself or herself to be better? How much do you feel loved?

Connecting Questions for couples

How deep is your connection with your partner? Where do you want to spend the last days of your life with your partner when you grow old? Which is more crucial in a relationship – Connection or attachment? Is connecting with your partner make you feel safe? Does emotional connection lead to trauma in a relationship? How do you communicate your darkest desires with your partner? How vulnerable you are when you become close to your partner? What influences the relationships to create a great bond among one another? How do you want your future to be when having your children together? How do you feel when you don’t see your partner for 1 month?

Marriage counseling questions (pre marriage counselling questions for couples)

What situations are making it hard to work on your relationship? Do you feel blessed to have a partner who loves the way you want in your life? What brings you to attend the marriage counseling sessions?  Do couple counseling questions change your perspectives on marriage? What are your energy levels and vibrations on daily basis about your family and for yourself? Is your relationship making you a better person as your connection builds deeply? What toxic behaviors have you observed in your partner? How healthy do you think your relationship with your partner? How would you define a perfect relationship partnership? Do you sacrifice yourself for your partner? Do you trust your partner? What do you think is more important in a relationship; Trust or love? What do you love most about your beloved partner?

Never have I ever questions for couples

Never Have I ever kissed you in public? Never Have I ever dumped you for not buying me an ice cream? Never Have I ever Loved you the way I loved our children? Never Have I ever Loved you more than you deserved? Never Have I ever asked you not to spend with women or men to protect you? Never Have I ever loved the way you actually are? Never Have I ever manipulated you with my sweet or emotional words? Never Have I ever taken advantage of your kindness for my own selfish reasons? Never Have I Ever felt jealous of other couples who are better than us? Never Have I ever dominated you in our s#xual pleasures? Never Have I ever Made out with you in the washroom? Never Have I ever dreamt of loving a partner like you? Never Have I ever wondered how much grateful I am to be completely in love with you?

Challenge Questions for couples

Would you travel ten thousand miles for me to reconnect If I lose interest in you? What kind of efforts do you make to impress me on our first date? What kind of challenges do you love to have in a relationship? How do you handle the challenging situations when other couples interfere in our family matters? Will you go for a with Satan and make peace with him to resurrect me? If god is the reason behind our togetherness, how will you show your gratitude towards him to make our relationship forever? Will you choose to live with me for thousand more centuries? How would you kiss me 100 times in 10 seconds? Can you build a historic monument like the Taj Mahal in the honor of our love? Can you die along with me when I die?

Trivia questions for couples

How many couples are there in this world? What were the exact date, month, and year and the moment when you first fell in love with your partner? Which country is so popular for inviting couples to enjoy a free tour? On average how long a relationship lasts? How many people do a woman and a man have an affair in their lifespan? What Trivia questions you would love to ask couples who are not in a committed relationship? Which famous celebrity couples are known for their toxic relationship? Where did the concept of love begin at first? What are the different kinds of relationships? How many types of men and women are there in a relationship? When did LGBT relationships come into existence? are you ok with such types of intimate relationships and couples?

Truth or dare questions for couples (Truth or dare couple questions)

What is the dirty truth you learned from all your relationships? Would you dare to share? What is the total number of people you previously had an intimate relationship with? What is the last lie you told your wife or husband? What is your partner’s nickname in bed? How does your partner smell like when you kiss? Have you ever thought of leaving your partner for some rich person? What’s your preference – Hookers or single life or monogamy or polygamy? Have you ever been in the nude on public beaches? How does your partner sound like when he or she is drunk? What do you hate about your partner? What is the one thing that you never want to reveal to your partner? What are your s#xual fantasies with your partner but he or she never satisfied you?

Cute Questions for couples

Do you consider your partner as cute or smart or beautiful? How do you describe your partner in a single word? Can you lick your partner like ice cream? To which celebrity do you compare your partner? How does he or she looks when they wear the dress you chose for them? Did anyone ever tell you both are really cute couples? How often does your partner help you and cook your favorite dish? What’s the difference between your relationship and others? How often do you go for long walks and talk about deep life and love-related topics? What’s the best thing about your partner you never want him or her to change?

Embarrassing Questions for couples

What’s the most embarrassing thing you ever felt about your partner and your relationship? Have you ever thought of any disgusting thing your partner did to you and you want to hate him or her for life? Is your partner looks ugly or fat? Have you ever smelled the underarms of your partner and liked it so much? How often do both couples shave their partner’s private parts? Do you like to have s#x during nighttime or in early mornings? What’s your preference of having s#xual intercourse during her m#nstrual period or normal days? How dirty you both can become when you are completely in drunk mode? How many times have you both cheated on each other?

Most likely to Questions for couples

Who would most likely protect the other in your relationship? Who is most likely to fight when conflicts occur? Who is most likely to bake the cake when both are hungry? Who is most likely to dance in the crowd without shying away from the talent? Where you would most likely take your partner for your honeymoon? When do you most likely to give space to your husband or wife? What you would most likely do when your partner suddenly disappears? Who is most likely to sacrifice in your relationship? Who is most likely to be an all-rounder in your partnership? What do you most likely interpret your partner’s personality?

Rapid fire Questions for couples (Rapid fire game questions for couples)

Why do you love your partner? As a couple How do you describe the bond between you in three words? Would you jump off from a three-story building if your boyfriend insists on you? By what secret word you would be called by your girlfriend? What’s your partner’s second name and first name? How do you define the difference between life and love? What is more important in life? When you both become old, where do you shift to stay together? What kind of future did you want your children to aspire to? How do you rate yourself as a partner, parent, and human?

Road trip Questions for couples

Would you rather travel chasing for a perfect partner or work hard to earn a million dollars? What kind of road trip or journey do you want to have with your beloved partner? Why do some couples love road trips, parties, games and want to enjoy their life to the fullest and others don’t? Which is the unique and dark place you want to visit with your partner? What are the most difficult situations couples encounter on a road trip? Do you prefer Spanish food or Italian food? If you would like to visit and never return home, which country it would be? Do you like to travel alone or with your partner? Have you ever tried traveling without money? Can you both go on a world tour without spending money? If you travel alone or with your partner and you meet an interesting person on the journey, would you join him or her on your road trip?

Family game questions

Would you rather choose me as a team in the game you play at any party or leave me alone in the crowd? How would you bring me to life, if suddenly my time on this planet passed away? Without hurting anyone in the family how would you express yourself that you don’t like someone? Can you arrange your priority of likeness among your family members – Mother, father, wife, husband, and children? and explain why with clear reasons? Do you prefer a small family or a joint family? why? Can you drink the jar of beer without taking a breath? What is it look like to be a part of a family which is completely healthy, non-toxic, and full of kindness, hope, and inspiration? Have you ever observed toxic behavior patterns in your family? Who is the most beautiful person in your family from the heart and will be liked by everyone? When is the last time you and your family members had a deep conversation about life?

Conversation starter Questions for couples

Where did we both meet exactly for the first time? Why do you really feel attracted to me? What’s the benefit of being in a relationship? Do you believe in love at first sight? What is that you are most passionate about, that even you sacrifice your life for it? At what age you really realized that some major changes happened in your life in terms of a mind shift and perspectives about life? Have you ever loved anyone more than yourself? Why does self-love important in a relationship? Do long-distance relationships really work? Have you ever thought of me during some random odd hours? Can we become good friends or partners for life?

Relationship building Questions for couples

What’s your childhood story? Who is your role model? What is the hardest thing you ever did so far? What makes you emotional and how do you express yourself? What are your values, morals, and ethics in life? Can you be loyal to a single person for the rest of your life? What efforts do couples put to build their relationship stronger and better? What’s your greatest vision of all time and are you working on it? How much freedom do you give to your partner and what are your thoughts on being oneself? Why do relationships fail? and what do you want to do differently to avoid break up and heartbreaks? What is your philosophy of life and love?

Q&A couple questions

Who are you before you met your partner? What significant change happened in your life after you entered into the relationship? Do you consider your life and your partner’s life the same, separate, or as a whole? What is your healthy relationship advice to the world? When is one supposed to take a major step in their relationship? How often do you feel alone in your relationship? What question and answer you would like to avoid and not to share with anyone regarding your relationship matters? Have you ever faked your love with your partner, if you did, on what occasion and why did you do that? What lessons did you learn from your parents about family and relationships? Can love and friendship co-exist? What do you favor – monogamy or polygamy?

Random fun Questions for couples

What is the weirdest habit of your partner that makes you feel uncomfortable? How often do you both have fun with each other physically? Does your partner snore in his or her sleep? How do your respond to it? What are some random fun questions games you played recently? What are your boyfriend’s weakest points? When does love fade? Who is that person you secretly had a crush on other than your wife or husband? What kind of movie character couple you both in reality? If you name your partner on the basis of pure appearance which celebrity do you compare him or her with? Why do you easily get bored with your partner?

Thought provoking Questions for couples

Does true love exist? What if you didn’t meet your partner? Is there any expiry date for soul connection or spirit? When do couples should realize that their relationship splitting apart? What stage of life is most crucial to forming a deep relationship? Why love is so complex so does life? Where do one should work to improve their relationship? Is entering into a relationship really that important? explain why? What one thing you cannot do but your lover is best at and you want to take that place? What responsibility one should take in a relationship to influence their children?

Controversial Questions for couples

If a partner is abusive in a relationship whether physical, emotional does he or she should be legally punished by the law? Can husband have a complete control over his wife or vice versa? Does s#x before marriage okay to have? Do wives should permanently stick to kitchen work and work as housemaker? How many times do you forgive your partner for cheating you? Do you give permission to your partner to sleep with others? Do thinking of having s#x with other people considered cheating? Would you leave your wife or husband for billion dollars? How do you rate your partner for s#xual talent? If you name your partner after a curse word, what would it be?

Questions for married couples (married couple questions)

Who has more responsibility in a family – a wife or a husband? Why do people say that marriages are made in heaven? Why do most couples make marriages and their relationships difficult as they grow old? What does a relationship mean to you when you were children? What is the one thing you both have in common? What was the first most intimate moment between you and how was your experience as a couple? What details would you like to share about expectations of relationships in the world of new couples? When does love often happens in life and do we know it and how to know that we fell in love? What’s the secret of a lifelong happy relationship? What’s the difference between the married couples and unmarried couples in reality?

Couple questions to ask each other

How often do you get bored or annoyed by my behavior? Do you like me the way I am? Will you change yourself if ask you to? What is the moment you first felt so much respect for me? Is there anything you wanted to express but hesitated to share only because you thought it might hurt me if you share? How open are you to share difficult conversations? Have you ever felt lonely in my company? Do you think we both are soulmates? Did I hurt you anytime very badly in a way that it questioned your self-worth? Will you be my everything?

Uncommon Questions for couples

Will you marry any other person when your partner dies? or choose to stay single? What will you do on Sunday morning when your spouse left home on a Saturday night? Have you ever flirted with the siblings of your husband or wife? Who is dominant in the family? why so? How toxic is the environment when both you and your partner be with each other? How often do both surprise each other with sudden plans and fun? When did the last time you cheated on your spouse? Can you both live forever without seeing each other from today? How long you can bear the nonsense of your partner and finally get over it? Where would you live if society is not around your family?

Valentine’s day Questions for couples

Will you marry me on this valentines day? How special is this valentine’s day when compared to the last year? And why? How did you come up with the idea of presenting this particular gift for this valentine’s day and what is the meaning and intention behind your present? What do you think about me when valentine’s day arrives? Do you really believe gifts symbolize love? What are the things you planned to enjoy today with me? How can I prove that no proof will ever define my love towards you? How to strengthen our eternal bond no matter what? Can this valentines day be the witness for our true love? Shall we create our own reality and fantasy and become the example of great love for this society?

Compatibility Questions for couples

What is your love language? Do you have any instinctive feeling that you connected to me somehow without any reason? Are you a deeply thoughtful person or a materialistic and attention seeker? What are your top 5 values, morals, ethics, and rules of a perfect relationship? Are you an extrovert or an introvert? How do you judge a person’s personality? On what basis do you come to a conclusion about a person’s nature? How does your ideal partner looks, think, and feels like? What is your best approach to deal with the conflicts in a relationship? How patient are you with about life? Do you have any unique philosophy about life?

Awkward couple questions list (Awkward questions for couples)

Which part of my body smell you don’t like the most? How many times did you think of cheating me but controlled yourself? Will you marry any other person If I die suddenly? Why aren’t you good at s#x? do you have any personal intimacy issues? Can you be ready to do any awkward things I ask you to do to me in our bedroom? Where do you hide some important things in our home that you don’t want me to know? Are you maintaining any extra relationship affair outside of my knowledge? How would you react if our children saw us while having s#x? Have you ever seen me while I am masturb#ting secretly in the washroom? Do you think our neighbors listened to our moaning’s when we are having s#x?

Bonding questions for couples

When was the last time your respect towards me doubled or tripled? What is my favorite thing in the world? What were the date and years when we kissed for the first time? What’s my favorite color? In which dress do you like me the most? How many moles are there in my body? Which part of my body you are most obsessed with? What’s my childhood name? When and how did we become so close that our bonding became eternal? What makes me so emotional?

Intimate questions to ask your partner

What’s my size? Will you marry me again if have afterlife or next life? Who is more dominant in our relationship? Most often what color of inner wear do you see me wear? Why do you bite me in a seducing way while I am so serious? What is one thing about you that you never shared with me? How intimate are we in terms of lifetime partners? Have you ever shared any of our relationship secrets with your friends or relatives? What’s the motive behind each of the gifts you buy to me? Are you happy alone or when you are with me?

Communication Questions for couples

Who is better at dealing with difficult conversations? How often do you schedule a time for family confessions? Who is more arrogant in communicating the family issues? Whose self-expression is profoundly noble and conveys deep meaning? What do you do when the communication gap increases? Who is more understanding and what brings the misunderstandings into communication? How can you describe a healthy relationship? What is the worst moment where you almost broke up with each other? Do you have any better approach to communicate your pain rather than blaming it? How do you communicate your financial insecurities?

Yes or No Questions for couples

Yes or No: Did I ever abuse you physically or mentally? Yes or No: Are you willing to sacrifice your life for me? Yes or No: Do you think our relationship is toxic? Yes or No: Is it okay to take a serious decision without discussing it with you? Yes or No: Would you like to travel alone without my company? Yes or No: Can I kiss you whenever and wherever I want? Yes or No: Will you be my angel in hell? Yes or No: Does my attitude hurts you? Yes or No: Will you do whatever I ask? Yes or No: Have you ever felt that we both are soulmates?

Truth Questions for couples

What am I to you as a person in general if not spouse? What is my weakest point in terms of personality? How much money in our bank? How many times did you travel to a different place by informing me of another place? How often do you lie to me? What is your ultimate truth in life? Are you committed to our relationship? What do you do when I am not around you? Can you reveal any random truth you want to share? How a marriage should be?

This or That Questions for couples

This or That: S#x or sleep? This or That: party or date night? This or That: Love or lust? This or That: Dreams or no plans? This or That: Wife or husband? This or That: Life or lifeline? This or That: Suffering or pain? This or That: Alone or together? This or That: Single or Mingle? This or That: Boy or Girl This or That: Body or personality? This or That: Family or business? This or That: Money or simplicity? This or That: Soulmate or toxic person? This or That: Long drive or movie time? This or That: Eternal love or break up or divorce? This or That: Giving or Taking?

Who is more questions for couples

List of couple questions who is more. They are funny, adorable and create a deep connection and strengthen the bond between the couple. These questions also reveal who is more in your relationship in every event. Who is more ready for adventures? Who is more good at romance? Who is cuter? Who is more dangerous when they are angry? Who is more likely to cheat? Who is more likely to give up at the right time? Who is more worst at keeping secrets? Who is more likely to be harsh or brutal? Who is more caring in your relationship? Who is more protecting? Who is more open to communication and solves everything peacefully? Who is more than everything to you?

Dirty would you rather questions for couples

Would you rather be a sugar daddy or a committed gentleman? Would you rather be a dirty sinner or pure saint? Would you rather be a stripper or swinger? Would you rather be gay or straight? Would you rather choose to be kinky or donkey? Would you rather seduce and have s#x or force someone and be a dominant player? Would you rather become h#rny and submit yourself or control your s#x drive and choose to be normal? Would you rather be a lover or playb#y? Would you rather ask permission to kiss or proceed anyway when you are in the mood? Would you rather live for love or die for s#x? 

Fun questions for married couples game

Can we exchange our partner roles for a week or at least in this game? How do you respond when I decide to have no s#x for one year? Can you name something that your spouse does to like her more? What do you do on the first day of your divorce? Which movie character do you resonate with me in bed? What are you better at than me during our fun time? What do you do when your wife/husband is out of town? What is something that reminds you of your wife/husband? Can you name a button on the remote that you wish worked on for your wife? What is that something you squeeze too romantically?

Anniversary Questions for couples

What are some of your favorite memories together from the past year? Did you feel like your relationship moved quickly? What habits have you picked up from each other? How do you describe your relationship? What’s one thing you learned about her/him while dating? When and what year did you meet? What was your first impression of each other? At what point in the relationship did you know he/she was the one? What was your parent’s reaction when meeting him/her? Did you go on a honeymoon and if so where? What was your reaction to finding out you were pregnant for the first time? What is his/her favorite movie and song? What’s the place you ever visited? What is his/her favorite dish? Do you have any memorable family trips with all the kids you can recall? What’s the most exciting thing you have ever done together? What’s your favorite characteristic about each other? What’s your least favorite characteristic about each other? What’s the best thing about being married to him/her? What advice would you give to couples getting married?

Agree or disagree Questions for couples

Agree or Disagree: He/she is the perfect human Agree or Disagree: I am your second thought Agree or Disagree: We are made for each other Agree or Disagree: I hate you very often for each little thing Agree or Disagree: You are my love in disguise Agree or Disagree: I love you for your big heart Agree or Disagree: Our love is unearthly Agree or Disagree: We both do not belong to this world Agree or Disagree: You are my only hope and medicine Agree or Disagree: We can’t live without each other’s presence

Couple questions quiz

How well do you know your partner? What kind of person your husband/wife is? If you don’t know things about each other, would it be really shameful? How often do you fight with each other? What’s her/his favorite hobby? What’s his/her dream destination? What’s his/her favorite drink? Which fast food is his/her’s favorite? When is the last time you apologized to each other? Where do you want to spend the rest of your lives? Image credits Love vector created by stories – freepik We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for info.

Naveen’s expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with Naveen’s work, connect with him by following his social media accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.