Tears are the purity of the soul that slides through the walls of the eyes to show the feeling of love and authenticity they hold which thoughts and words do not have such power.  Sadness makes much sense to those who are aware of their own pain. That’s a beautiful way to grow if intellectually used in the right direction. But not be consumed by their vulnerability and emotions. Fortunately, If you are a gentle being never be ashamed of the sensitivity of your soul. We are living in a world full of mixed beings who possess strange psychological behaviors with no common visions. Yet, strongly connected to one another for an odd reason. Every individual has their own way of understanding life for its existence. Some grow through perceiving and others by judging, but intuitively the intelligence of our existence should be paralyzed just because of our ignorance. If you are in extreme pain then cry with your full heart if not out, but inside your head until finding yourself underneath your pseudo fears and insecurities. When you are true to yourself in the journey to become a better human being, you are far ahead of the rest, on the path of strength and to grow unto your fullest. Keep fighting and stand up for yourself. No one can do that for you. It’s all about you and you; you vs you. It’s just you. So rise and shine for what you are, remind your worth and embrace your unique gift. You are rare and special who is gifted with the ability to understand the world entirely different from the rest. That’s what makes you who you are now. If people do not get you, it’s their inability to understand themselves. So, be proud of your existence and breathe to inspire. [wd_hustle id=”16″ type=”embedded”/] Connect to me on Instagram or Twitter for Daily Inspiration.

10 Sad quotes about life

These short philosophical sad quotes about life were written with the aim to inspire, empower and bring new perceptions about of our personal lives with deep insights.  Hope my quotes about sad life provide value to your emotions and help you to understand more about your feelings and your unique gift to perceive the world differently. Keep reading the sadness quotes.

Sad quotes on love

Deep sad quotes on love with multiple perspectives provoke your thoughts and make you think more about life in different dimensions. Keep reading my sad love quotes.

Sad quotes about pain.

These are the list of sad quotes about pain and unhappy quotes which has powerful life lessons in them. Hope you will learn and take most of these pain quotes.

Heartbroken Sad love quotes for girls and boys on relationships

These are the list of sad quotes for girls and sad love quotes for him which makes you to relate and feel the pain.

Hurt, Upset, feeling down and sad depression quotes.

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Naveen’s expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with Naveen’s work, connect with him by following his social media accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.