There are countless mysteries out there, and there are even endless questions you can’t answer. And perhaps that’s a good thing, as it allows us to ponder the infinite possibilities of life and our universe. So here’s 50 unanswerable and mind blowing questions you can’t answer. Some of these questions are deep and some are funny and stupid which will keep you up at night, or at least make you pause and reflect on your own existence from time to time. Enjoy.

50 Questions you can’t answer

Here is a list of thought provoking questions you can’t answer:

  1. Is there life beyond consciousness?
  2. What extraterrestrial life mean to species other than humans?
  3. Does everyone have an inner voice that tells them right from wrong, if so, where does it come from?
  4. What are we all searching for in our lifetime?
  5. Is this all just a game or test, and if so what’s the point?
  6. What if anything is worth living for?
  7. Do the world’s problems get solved in the end?
  8. What does death mean for us as individuals and as a collective whole on earth?
  9. Will the Artificial humans eventually outsmart the universe? 10 Who will be here when everything comes to end? Also read: 100 Questions that have no answers (Thought provoking & deep)

Hard questions you can’t answer

The following are some of the Difficult and hard questions you can’t answer 11. How did the Egyptians create their pyramids with only manpower and ropes made from tree bark? 12. When will our sun become a planet? 13. Why do we have five fingers on each hand but not twenty five? 14. Does space make a gesture that humans can’t decipher? 15. Which direction should you go if there is no sign board? 16. Is infinity greater than or less than zero? 17. Why is north called north and south called south? 18. What makes up nothing? 19. Is it possible to break glass by just looking at it hard enough? 20. How to disappear from existence forever without dying? Also read: 150+ Questions that cannot be answered (Scientific, religious, universe, life, funny, dumb)

Deep questions you can’t answer

Here are some very good deep questions that you cannot answer: 21. What makes animals, animals and humans, human beings?  22. If there is no hydrogen in the universe what element will replace it?  23. How to survive in a deserted desert without water for more than a decade?  24. Why do we say grandma’s apple pie instead of grandma’s apple?  25. How do astronauts eat when they are out of earth’s atmosphere?  26. Why does time seem to go faster as we get older?  27. Where did numbers come from?  28. Why does my stomach growl even if I am not hungry?  29. Who was the first person on Earth and why did he/she need food? 30. What would happen if everyone who lived on Earth walked around all at once?  Also read: 200 Questions with no answers (unanswerable & mind blowing)

Funny questions you can’t answer

Here is a list of Questions you can’t answer funny 31. Where did I put my keys? 32. If a statue in the park represents someone who saved a city from destruction, but you don’t know what the person did, does it make sense to still thank them?  33. Why do they put Braille on drive-through ATMs?  34. Why doesn’t 100-proof alcohol freeze?  35. Why is there an expiration date on sour cream? What’s so special about that day?  36. Why do they call it after dark when it really is after light?  37. Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?  38. What makes a Ritz cracker different from any other cracker?  39. If toilet paper is folded over four times, how many layers do you have on your butt?  40. How much would it cost for me to get six kids out of college at the same time?  Also read: 50+ Questions no one can answer (with possible answers and scientific explanation) 41. Why is bra singular and panties plural?  42. When did gay start meaning happy and not homosexual?  43. Who made up all these rules for dating anyway?  44. Why are three pairs of underpants called a six pack?  45. When we send clothes to third world countries, why do we always include instructions on how to wash them?  46. What is the best way to blow dry wet hair?  47. What should you wear to bed if you want to look sexy in the morning?  48. What color nail polish should I wear with a black tuxedo?  49. Why are goldfish orange even though their food isn’t orange?  50. Which came first: the chicken or the egg? We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for info.

Naveen’s expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with Naveen’s work, connect with him by following his social media accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.