But sometimes we get so caught up in the day-to-day that we forget to have fun with our partner. This can make your dating life dull and boring. So, it can be difficult to come up with things to say to your boyfriend. If you’re looking to spice things up between you, consider some romantic questions to ask your boyfriend that will make him laugh. These romantic questions will not only get him laughing, but they’ll also give you some insight into what he’s thinking and feeling and are sure to get a chuckle out of him. So go ahead and ask away!

50 Romantic questions to ask your boyfriend to make him laugh

The following are a list of 21 Romantic questions to ask your boyfriend to make him laugh:

1. Do you know what my soul is made of? Girlfriend (Wife) material. 

There is nothing more romantic than a woman who knows how to laugh at herself. The fact that you were able to make him laugh shows that you have a good sense of humor. It’s also a great way to start a conversation about what you both want in a relationship. 

2. If I could, would you be my tits or my butts?

This is a classic romantic question that always gets a chuckle out of couples. It’s a playful way to ask your boyfriend which part of your body he would rather be. Also read: 300+ Questions to ask your boyfriend from funny to deep; cute to juicy (the only list you need)

3. Do you want to be my Prince Charming?

This is another playful question that is sure to make him laugh. It’s also a great way to let him know that you’re interested in him and want to take things to the next level.

4. Besides my pu, what’s your favorite thing to eat?

Say cheese but this one is cheesy. It’s definitely a bit naughty, but it will definitely make him laugh.

5. Let’s play a romantic game. I’ll be the teacher, and you will be the student. Are you ready daddy?

Your boyfriend will see what you did there. It’s good to be a little naughty every now and then.

6. On a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tonight?

This is a classic question that is sure to get a laugh out of him. It’s also a great way to gauge his priorities. If he takes time to meet you or plans for a long drive or vacation, then you know he’s really into you.

7. If your dream is to be an actor, can you play p*rn star tonight?

This dirtiest romantic question never fails to get a smile from your boyfriend. He might get impressed by the choice of your seductive words that bring him into the mood and turn him on instantly in the most romantic way you never imagined. Also read: 50 Juicy questions to ask your boyfriend (over text or in person)

8. Dinner first, or can we go straight for each other’s desserts down there(private parts)?

It’s a long way down after all. The decision is yours, but this is a great way to get him laughing.  There is nothing more romantic than making your partner laugh with your beauty and intelligence.

9. I’ve been gifted with [insert sex act here]. Wanna find out for yourself?

This one lets him know that you’re thinking about him sexually and that you’re confident in your abilities. It’s sure to get a rise out of him and get him thinking about you in a naughty way.

10. What does it feel like to be the most naughty guy in the world?

Your boyfriend will appreciate the compliment. It’s a great way to let him know that you find him attractive and that you enjoy being with him. It’s sure to put a smile on his face.

11. If I could, can I kiss your butt?

If you consider this romantic question to ask your boyfriend to make him laugh, then you are in for a good time. He will find it funny that you even thought to ask such a question. It will definitely make him laugh, but it will also get him thinking about kissing you in a different way. Also read: 31 Deep questions to ask your boyfriend (Be evolved after this conversation with him)

12. How long do you wash your favorite body part in the shower?

Pretty sneaky, this one. It’s a great way to find out how much your boyfriend enjoys taking care of his private parts. It’s also a way to let him know that you find him attractive and that you enjoy looking at him. So, this will definitely bring a broad smile on his face.

13. Can we spend this weekend in bed…stuffing our faces and eating our holes?

The most romantic question will make your boyfriend laugh out loud. The visual of you both stuffing your faces is sure to get a rise out of him. It’s also a great way to let him know that you’re thinking about him sexually and that you can’t wait to be with him.

14. Should we lie to our friends, tell them something came up, and slip into our cozy bed until – rounds of love making; instead of going out with them tonight?

A fun way to convince your boyfriend to stay in with you instead of going out with his friends. It’s also a great way to let him know that you want to spend time with him and make him realize that you are in a great mood to experiment new styles in bed tonight.

15. I had romantic dreams about you last night? Are you in the mood to make them a reality tonight?

This romantic question seems like it’d be fun to try out. The fact that you dreamed about him shows that you care about him and that you think about him even when you’re asleep. It’s sure to make him laugh and it will also get him thinking about you in a romantic way. Also read: 100 Trap questions to ask your boyfriend (Persuasive and Funny)

16. Have you guessed that I Feel like getting naughty in a public place tonight?

This romantic question will throw him off guard in a good way. If he’s up for it, it could lead to a very fun evening and create some great memories together. 

17. Wanna come over and eat your favorite dish?

I’ve got massive hot buns and a wet creamy juice. Might be time for some innuendo. If you want to get your boyfriend laughing, this is a great way to do it. Plus, it’ll get him thinking about you in a very naughty way. 

18. I’ve been thinking about you all day. How about you come over and help me take care of this…problem?

For real though, this is a great way to let your boyfriend know that you’ve been thinking about him and that you want him to come over. It’s also a great way to let him know you are up to some nasty stuff again and get him laughing with your charm.  Also read: 33 Trick questions to ask your boyfriend to see if he loves you

19. Will you be my plus one to my cousin’s wedding next month?

Save this one for your boyfriend when you are both in a serious relationship. It’s a great way to show him that you are thinking about the future and that you want him to be a part of it. Plus, it’s a romantic and fun way to ask him to be your date to a wedding. 

20. Whose butts are big; your or mine?

He might actually be wondering whose butt is bigger. But he will also think this is hilarious. This is a great way to start a conversation about body types and how you both feel about them. It’s also a great way to get him laughing about butts and tits. 

21. Your lollipop looks Hungry, can I feed it with my suction?

You might surprise yourself and get what you ask for with this one. It’s a great way to get him laughing and thinking about your lips in a very naughty way. The fact that you are willing to be playful and dirty with your words will definitely turn him on. Also read: 21 Questions to ask your boyfriend (Questions game) Also read: 150 Dirty questions to ask your boyfriend (Naughty, juicy, sexual, filthy, nasty, spicy)

Romantic questions to ask your boyfriend to make him laugh over text

Here is a list of romantic questions to ask your boyfriend to make him laugh better over text:

  1. What would you do if you woke up tomorrow and I was a foot shorter?
  2. Do you have a map? Because I keep getting lost in your eyes.
  3. What would you do if I sold all your belongings while you were sleeping?
  4. Are you a parking ticket cause you’ve got FINE written all over you?
  5. What would you do if I bought you a pet that you absolutely hated?
  6. Damn, you have a dog! Does that mean I’ll never win the “best ever cuddler” title?
  7. What would you do if you woke up tomorrow as the opposite sex?
  8. Are you a UFO cause you just abducted my heart?
  9. Never have I ever smelled my own underarm to wonder what it tastes like?
  10. Are you a campfire cause you’re hot and I want s’more? Also read: 50 Relationship questions to ask your boyfriend (Deep & serious topics)

Romantic questions to ask your boyfriend to make him laugh hard

The following are some romantic questions to ask your boyfriend to make him smile and laugh hard for good:

  1. Are you a mirror cause I can see myself in you?
  2. Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you’re CuTe
  3. Never have I ever wished my partner would just hurry up and die so I could inherit their money?
  4. Do you sleep with your legs tucked under the blankets or one foot out?
  5. Have you ever counted how many times you touched yourself in a single day when you were completely drunk?
  6. Don’t you think you’re unknowingly breaking the law by being so handsome?
  7. Of all the inappropriate thoughts of me that you’ve ever had, which one is the funniest?
  8. How many licks do you think would take me to reach the center of your heart?
  9. How tight is too tight? Do you think mine is tight enough to yours? 10.  If you had to smell like my underarm for the rest of your life, would you want to be? Also read: 20 Serious questions to ask your boyfriend We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for info.

Naveen’s expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with Naveen’s work, connect with him by following his social media accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.